Monday, March 17, 2008

Change We can Believe In!

My mom and I went to the Barack Obama Rally here in Texas on March 5th. Sorry to just now be posting the pics... I'm a little slow lately.

The event was held at George R. Brown convention center downtown Houston. We had to wait outside in the cold for about an hour to get in. Once we got in we got great seating and got to see Michelle and Barack Obama pretty well when they came on stage. She gave his introduction and he gave a great speech encouraging everyone to get out and vote in Texas the next day. It was awesome. Everyone was pretty hyped up and excited. Lots of energy. I just knew he was going to win Texas (but that didn't happen). But most of all, I was so excited to take my Mom because she has been following the election so closely and was totally thrilled that she got to go.




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Anonymous said...

Well, I think he sorta won Texas since they say that because he won the Caucases (sp), he got more delegates from the state of Texas than Clinton did. We didn't here much about that on the news for some reason?
Enjoy your blog,

Anonymous said...

What an exciting event...he has certianly made a name for himself and is doing quite well!! He is definately making people pay close attention to this election.
thanks for sharing the pics.