Wednesday, December 10, 2008

2 Months Old! Our first photoshoot!

Princess is two months old already! Can't believe it. Well yes I can. I know time went soooo fast with my son. I have been trying to prepare myself for how fast it gonna go with her too.  Weirdly enough it seems to be going even faster!!! AGGGHHH!!!

Anyway, at two months she is:
  • trying to hold her head up on her own
  • smiles and makes cooing sounds (especially at daddy)
  • loves to be swaddled at night time and nap time
  • loves watching her big brother
  • enjoys her swing for swinging and napping
  • sleeps very well, almost 6 hours some nights
  • has a reputation for being a bit of a Diva, but we don't mind one bit


CathyVal said...

Ahhh.. how sweet! She is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh. she is GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS!!! love the photos!!! :) :) she sounds cool that her and LB were born so close...we'll have to compare notes! :)

Tasha said...

Simply Divine!